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Excellent Aikido - Anticipation Christian Tissier Shihan 2

Christian Tissier (born 1951 in Paris, France) is one of the best known European Aikido teachers, who pioneered the art in France. He started training in Aikido as a child in 1962, and trained under Mutsuro Nakazono in Paris until he left for Tokyo in 1969. He came to Aikikai Hombu Dojo as an 18-year-old, and trained there for seven years. Among the teachers that have inspired him are Seigo Yamaguchi, Kisaburo Osawa and the second doshu Kisshomaru Ueshiba. While training at hombu dojo, he taught French language at a school and Institut Franco-japonais de Tokyo.

He received 7th dan in 1998, and is among the handful of westerners who have been given the title Shihan by the Aikikai.

He is a founding member of the Fédération Française d'Aïkido Aïkibudo et Affinitaires (FFAAA or 2F3A) which was created in 1983. He is also a member of the technical college (Collège Technique) in charge of the Dan grades examination and of the awarding of teaching certifications: Brevet d'Etat and Brevet Fédéral. These examinations take place jointly with members of the other federation, the Fédération Française d'Aïkido et de Budo (FFAB), within the Union des Fédérations d'Aïkido (UFA).

Excellent Aikido - Anticipation Christian Tissier Shihan 1

Christian Tissier (Martial Artist), Aikido (Martial Art), Shihan (Profession), Excellent Aikido, special aikido demonstration, Anticipation Christian Tissier Shihan, Aikido (Martial Art),

Christian Tissier (born 1951 in Paris, France) is one of the best known European Aikido teachers, who pioneered the art in France. He started training in Aikido as a child in 1962, and trained under Mutsuro Nakazono in Paris until he left for Tokyo in 1969. He came to Aikikai Hombu Dojo as an 18-year-old, and trained there for seven years. Among the teachers that have inspired him are Seigo Yamaguchi, Kisaburo Osawa and the second doshu Kisshomaru Ueshiba. While training at hombu dojo, he taught French language at a school and Institut Franco-japonais de Tokyo.

He received 7th dan in 1998, and is among the handful of westerners who have been given the title Shihan by the Aikikai.

He is a founding member of the Fédération Française d'Aïkido Aïkibudo et Affinitaires (FFAAA or 2F3A) which was created in 1983. He is also a member of the technical college (Collège Technique) in charge of the Dan grades examination and of the awarding of teaching certifications: Brevet d'Etat and Brevet Fédéral. These examinations take place jointly with members of the other federation, the Fédération Française d'Aïkido et de Budo (FFAB), within the Union des Fédérations d'Aïkido (UFA).

MMA Fighter Displays Amazing Sportsmanship - Knockouts

knockout, KO, Mixed martial arts, Mixed Martial Arts (Martial Art), MMA, MMA Fighter, top women mma fighters, WMMA, women mma fighters, women mma knockouts, Women's MMA, Sportsmanship

Should he have to be telling the referee that the guys is unconscious? Isn't the basic function of that guy to keep everyone safe if they can't defend themselves? I mean if you need to be told "hey this guy is unconscious" maybe you shouldn't be in charge of safety.
To be fair to the ref, the guy's moving, he doesn't look like he's out until the opponent get's off him.
I bet if the camera panned right you would have seen the ref screaming "kill him!"

Rafael Mendes VS Anderson Takahashi (Knockouts Jiu-jitsu)


Rafael Mendes, also known as “Rafa” Mendes, is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) black belt world champion under the illustrious coach Ramon Lemos. Considered a grappling “phenom” since his late teens and acclaimed as “the king of the featherweight division” by many grappling enthusiasts, Rafael was also one of the competitors who brought recognition to the 50-50 guard and the berimbolo, positions he used to de-throne the former 4x world champion Rubens Charles. Rafael Mendes is also the brother of another Jiu Jitsu World Champion - Guilherme Mendes. On the 31st of May 2015, at the 20th World Jiu Jitsu Championship, Rafael Mendes broke the record of featherweight world titles set by Royler Gracie in 1999, with his 5th win at black belt.

Best Amazing Women MMA Knockout KO'S Highlights

The sport of mixed martial arts has grown immensely in the past 10 years. Many people point back to the Forrest Griffin vs. Stephan Bonnar fight as the night the sport changed forever and those who make that claim wouldn’t be wrong. For the sport of women’s MMA, there have been those fighters like Cristiane Santos, Gina Carano and now Ronda Rousey that have paved the way for the way the female competitors are looked at. While some fans may just want to admire the looks of some of these fighters, we have seen many amazing knockouts in these WMMA fights.


Jiu-Jitsu Rear Choke Defenses 2

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Never expect to just yank the guys hand off. Assume he’s stronger than you. So, I pull on his hand just a bit. At this point now, his hips are lined up with mine. All I need to do is squat. I squat and when I come back up, the attacker is on my hips. And now, I just throw him over. And that’s a defense, the standing rear naked choke.

Jiu-Jitsu Rear Choke Defenses 1

jiu jitsu rear neck choke, Jiu-Jitsu Rear Choke Defenses, jiu jitsu rear takedown, jiu-jitsu magazine, jiu-jitsu, jiu-jitsu gi, jiu jitsu uniforms, jiu jitsu belts, jiu jitsu,

Standing rear choke. You gotta guy grabbing you by the throat from behind. First thing you do, you do not panic. Notice my hands are already at his hands. Why? Because I’m going to use this to survive. Survive meaning buy yourself an inch, or even just half an inch of space.

Jiu-Jitsu Rear Choke Defenses 2

Badr Hari Wins The Strongest Boxer In Confrontations - Frederic Sinistra 2015

Badr Hari wins narrowly on the most dangerous boxer faced throughout his professional career

Badr Hari vs Frederic Sinistra 2015.

Badr Hari Ready To Strike Knockouts

bader, bader hari, Badr Hari, boxe thai, Boxing, boxing k1 speed, boxing training, golden boy, goldenboy, k1, kick boxing, kickbox, kickboxing, kickboxing classes, knockouts, Muay Thai, thai boxing, بدر هاري,

In 2007 in Hawaii, Hari defeated Yusuke Fujimoto in 56 seconds to become the first K-1 Heavyweight Champion. Two years later, he clinched the It’s Showtime Heavyweight Championship (+95kg) by beating Semmy Schilt, making him the only fighter to have won the competition three times in a row.
He has earned several nicknames: “The Golden Boy”, “Devil Prince of Morocco” and “The Cobra”.
Also, “The Bad Boy”, for his short temper and several incidents outside the ring.

Badr Hari Highlight "Unsportsmanlike Conducts" Knockouts

bader, bader hari, Badr Hari, boxe thai, Boxing, boxing k1 speed, boxing training, golden boy, goldenboy, k1, kick boxing, kickbox, kickboxing, kickboxing classes, knockouts, Muay Thai, thai boxing, بدر هاري,

For Badr Hari and Morosanu fans the upcoming bout between the two sluggers was a highlight for the year. It was Badr Hari's return to the ring after some time off and it was against the best competition that he's faced since in 2013. But, much like the proposed fight with Patrice Quateron from a previous GFC event, it looks like the fans will have yet another Badr Hari fight fall through for the time being.


The Golden Boy Badr Hari Knockouts 2014 HD

bader, bader hari, Badr Hari, boxe thai, Boxing, boxing k1 speed, boxing training, golden boy, goldenboy, k1, kick boxing, kickbox, kickboxing, kickboxing classes, knockouts, Muay Thai, thai boxing, بدر هاري,

Badr Hari cut a swathe through kickboxing in the last days of K-1, simultaneously known as its Golden Boy and its Bad Boy.
Not only was Hari head and shoulders above many of the men he fought in terms of technique, his punching power was unmatched. When he got going, and he felt he had his opening, Hari was a force of nature. Just ask Semmy Schilt. Schilt has been stopped only twice in the course of his incredible career, and it had been five years since the first time when Hari met him in 2009. The fury that Hari unleashed upon Schilt in that bout was enough to give even a hardened fight fan goosebumps. As Hari bombarded the giant, Schilt seemed to shrink to half of his usual size.


Badr Hari Painful Knockouts

bader, bader hari, Badr Hari, boxe thai, Boxing, boxing k1 speed, boxing training, golden boy, goldenboy, k1, kick boxing, kickbox, kickboxing, kickboxing classes, Muay Thai, thai boxing, بدر هاري,

Hari has been a prominent figure in the world of kickboxing and considered one of the best kickboxers in the world, however he has been involved in a number of controversies relating to his "unsportsmanlike conducts" in the sport and alleged crimes of violence outside of the ring
Hari has been officially praised by the king of Morocco, Mohammed VI, since 2009 for his outstanding accomplishments in the sport.

Practicing Boxing : Muay Thai At Home - Knockouts

Boxing, Muay Thai, Practicing Boxing, Muay Thai At Home, Knockouts, practicing boxing at home, boxing practice equipment, ways to practice boxing at home, practicing boxing footwork,

For anyone who wants to become a Thai boxer, training at a gym is always the best option. Having a trainer to coach you, correct mistakes, give advice and guide you through your training is extremely important during the early stages. However, not everybody has a muay Thai gym in their area, or may not be able to afford the training costs so training muay Thai at home is the next best thing. It’s better than no training at all, right?
This video outlines the types of training you can do with some friends or on your own. With friends is always better. Youll need a large room or a garage to train in. Failing that, any large space will do.

Practicing Boxing : Muay Thai At Home - Knockouts

Real Combat Bare Boxing black Guy Vs White Guy : Knockouts

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Bare knuckle boxing is a big part of Irish traveller culture and tradition. It has been used as a method to resolve family conflicts, before they boil over, for hundreds of years. This is not a street fight, it is a sport , or fair play men to make sure both fighters.

Real Combat Bare Boxing black Guy Vs White Guy : Knockouts

Boxing : Anthony Joshua vs Paul Butlin knockouts 2nd Fight

Boxing, Anthony Joshua, Paul Butlin, anthony joshua vs paul butlin full fight, anthony joshua vs paul butlin highlights, anthony joshua vs paul butlin time,

Anthony Joshua's second professional opponent believes he is 'mad' to have chosen to fight him so early in his career. Veteran heavyweight Paul Butlin has only won 14 of his 33 bouts but the 37-year-old has faced the likes of Dereck Chisora and Johnathon Banks.
Watch this fight video to find out.

Boxing : Anthony Joshua vs Paul Butlin knockouts 2nd Fight

Karate Girl vs Chinese MMA : Real fight no rules - knockouts

Karate, Karate Girl, Chinese MMA, Real fight, knockout, Round, Arts, Combat,

The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) is the largest mixed martial arts promotion company in the world featuring most of the top-ranked fighters in the sport. In a full contact fight with almost no rules? Watch this fight video to find out.

Karate Girl vs Chinese MMA : Real fight no rules - knockouts 


Shotokan Karate - Knife Defense In 3 Steps : Knockouts

Karate, Shotokan Karate, Knife Defense In 3 Steps, knife defense is bullshit, knife defense techniques, knife defense instructor course, knife defense in karate, knife defense instructor,

Shotokan Karate showing how to defend a knife attack.

That is a question of instructor, not the style. Both styles have excellent knife defenses. As with all martial arts what is taught, and its effectiveness is largely dependent on the knowledge and ability of the instructor. Styles can't fight. They are only methods of combat that must be taught, learned, and then used. If something is not taught, it can't be used. If it is taught how well it is taught has a strong influence on how well it can be done. If a student has learned something correctly and developed it properly, then it can be used effectively. If something is practiced for 20 years incorrectly, then that person has only become very good at doing it incorrectly.

Shotokan Karate - Knife Defense In 3 Steps : Knockouts

Karate – Nuns Learn Self Defense : Knockouts

Karate, Nuns Learn Self Defense, learn self defense at home, Self-defense (Martial Art Category), Arts, Martial Arts (Sport), karate nuns learning self defense, karate nuns learn self defense techniques,

Sure, we've all heard that Catholic school nuns can be stern disciplinarians, but your ruler-on-the-hand story is going to pale in comparison to what these ladies are up to.

After a string of assaults and crimes on their school campus, these sisters took matters into their own hands -- literally -- by learning karate. Now anyone who messes with the children is in store for a very painful surprise.

Karate – Nuns Learn Self Defense : Knockouts

Female Kata Japan : Inoue - Knockouts

Female Kata Japan : Inoue, female team kata japan, Karate, karate team kata bunkai, kata female japan, Inoue, team kata japan female,

The video took place in Paris, France in November (2012),
21th World Karate Championships, in the pattern of women's personal "form of parts" final.

Female Kata Japan : Inoue - Knockouts

Female Kata Japan : Rika Usami - Knockouts

karate, Female Kata Japan : Usami, karate team kata bunkai, female team kata japan, kata female japan, team kata japan female,

The video took place in Paris, France in November (2012),
21th World Karate Championships, in the pattern of women's personal "form of parts" final,
Form Rica's Usami played a superb victory has been achieved.

Female Kata Japan : Usami - Knockouts


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